TAGLIATELLE PASTA WITH GRATED CHESSE!SIMPLE,CHEAP AND DELICIOUS!I har some cheese in the fridge and I made my mind to grate 6 of them and make a simple,fast and cost effective dish that tasted great!Overall cost of this dish is not more than 7 euros per person.How much is a macaroni pasta in a restaurant if they got one on the…
Simple meals are sometimes the best Tagliatelle with tomato sauce!Easy to make,fast and not expensive!Secret weapon oregano and basil!
Oliver’s magic in the kitchen,fast,blast,easy,cheap improvisation of the pasta you never tried before!
Beef soup with pasta and cooked beef meat
Beef soup with pasta and cooked beef meat
Beef soup with pasta and cooked beef meat
Delicious Pasta with tomato sauce for just 7 euros!